Monday, December 26, 2011

Because YOU are faithful!


It has been a while since I was writing and explaining what has been going on with me lately or how faithful GOD as always with me.

Since August 2011, I have graduated from my nursing school. Praise GOD for that, because I cannot complete my study if it wasn’t HIM with me. He is the GOD that enables me to finish my final paper/thesis on 3 days! HE is so amazing, I always tremble when I remember the day my supervisor/lecturer told me that I need to finish my paper just 2 days after the data collection. I wasn’t messing around but the timing was so instant. Praise GOD, I did finish it! Praise HIM more that it was an A! :)

I never know what HE has planned ahead for me but I did submit my resume and cover letter to my university and the hospital where I used to do my clinical to look for something to do during gap year before I start my professional year as a nurse. Well, I did help in my school as a laboratory assistant and was assisting my brother and sister (and myself) to learn more about nursing and the clinical skill (that I am also learning). It was fun and it gave me new perspective about lectures and how classes is not as simple as to just come on time, sit down, and listen to the lecturer. It is more than that! There are heaps of work for the lecturers that we as students sometimes just don’t understand. Thanks to JESUS, this experience opened my eyes and heart to appreciate my teachers/lecturers more! Thanks Jesus for them who taught me at school and university!

My resume and cover letter ended up in my university itself but in another department. It ended up in the science and mathematics department! MAN, I am not good in maths and science (except biology)! The bosses did call me for an interview on Friday and it was a 45mins interview with 2hours training on the same day! I need to be there on Monday for a budget meeting that I just don’t know at all what it is about! It was so unexplainable for me myself! It just happen like a click! I am a junior administrative staff now (a temporary one)! :)

Before I start my work as administrative one, I need to be working in the promotion team for my nursing school. It was so challenging but I got the chance to change people’s perspective about nursing. They always think that nursing is just to help people, assist doctor and following the doctor’s order. Truly, nursing is more than that, many things and so amazing! :) I prayed that many new nurses will be born from this city and they will love Jesus so much so that the care was made just because of Jesus!

Then the days as administrative staff begin. I started my day by a special lecture about budget given by the head of math course. I just don’t get a picture of what he was talking about and what he was expecting me to do with what he has explained to me but he was a great lecture, clear explanation and so patience! Then I began to read all the files that the former staff left me (actually I just had no idea about what all is stated there). Days passed and I got used to what I am doing. Praise GOD for my coworker that was SO helpful! She is so ‘alkaline-lady’ type! She could manage things well and always had a way to solve things. We are working on accreditation and I need to become the secretary! Something that I just not used to! I tried all my best to cover up and to write all the notes down as I always do with all the lectures that I had.

As the time flies, we finish up with the budget planning and we move on with the accreditation! I remember one day, when the head of math program asked me for my full name and my title (as I already complete my study officially but not ceremonially), I became so proud of myself. That day was the first time in my life I used my title.

Now, I am Kinanthi Lebdawicaksaputri, S.Kep.

Deep in me, I thanked GOD for it! and I questioned myself, will I be ready to bear the responsibility I need to bear with that title? I am a nurse! :) once again, I am a nurse! I just can’t believe it! I AM A NURSE! :) :)

After one month of work, it is now the day of my graduation! I thanked GOD for my study as HE has sent me to many places during my study to experience many things. As I stand there in the first row as best graduate from my school (I just can’t believe this but it is for real), I prayed that GOD would allow me to do my best to help many people so that they may see HIM in me as I help them. It is hard! I feel the pressure when I stand and pronounced the vow to be working all of my life for the good of my country which will glorify GOD. I am just not ready so not ready but I know I am ready based on the experiences physically! please, be with me GOD! :) :)

I do enjoy work as administrative staff and it is so fun but then I sort of loose my vision as a nurse that I should pursuing my goal as a professional Christian nurse! :) so when it is time for me to leave for my professional year that (suddenly, but fine) will be in January 2012, I am just so scared! I am scared that I cannot do my best as I used to be and I just so scared that my skills are just not enough to make me a good nurse. One thing that I am also scared is also scared to leave. ;) I know my heart, it is so easy to get used to something, but it is just so hard to leave it behind. :( Well, I hope it will be smooth when January finally come. :)

Anyway, through this last few months I just realize that no matter what, Jesus is so faithful. He is so faithful that I just have no words to explain! Through my worries, anxiety, and scares, HE is there! So faithful!

That is why I will do my best to be obedience to HIM!

Here below I posted a lyric by Brian Doerksen in his song Your faithfulness:

I don't know what this day will bring
Will it be disappointing, filled with longed for things?
I don't know what tomorrow holds
Still I know I can trust Your faithfulness
I don't know if these clouds mean rain
If they do, will they pour down blessing or pain?
I don't know what the future holds
Still I know I can trust Your faithfulness

Certain as the rivers reach the sea
Certain as the sunrise in the east
I can rest in your faithfulness
Surer than a mother's tender love
Surer than the stars still shine above
I can rest in your faithfulness

I don't know how or when I'll die
Will it be a thief, or will I have a chance to say goodbye?
No, I don't know how much time is left
But in the end, I will know your faithfulness
When darkness overwhelms my soul
When thoughts and storms of doubt
Still I trust You are always faithful, always faithful

Certain as the rivers reach the sea
Certain as the sunrise in the east
I can rest in your faithfulness
Surer than a mother's tender love
Surer than the stars still shine above
I can rest in your faithfulness

I don't know what this day will bring
Will it be disappointing, filled with longed for things?
I don't know what tomorrow holds
Still I know I can trust Your faithfulness

This song has blessed me personally in the time when I just feel I just cannot handle things! Too much, too complicated, and I am just not ready! I just so scared, I am afraid I will failed! :(

This song reminds me:

  2. HE is in control for everything!
  3. HE is with me every single moment!
  4. Although it will be the darkest time of my life, GOD is my light and bring me hope!
  5. All that I am, I know I am HIS daughter, and HE loves me so!

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