Today’s theme is “It is just worth it!”
I was presenting about restrain today with my fellow students. During the presentation, I was thinking about how important communication in a nursing care for they who are mentally ill. Communication plays a very important role in caring for the mentally ill person. Nothing else can do better than communication. If the patient was rejecting a treatment with a good understanding from a good communication, the treatment may be done.
Anyway, after the presentation done, I spend few hours (include now) to just sit in the library and finish all may assignment. It is near the end of my semester and soon I can do any others things. :)
As I read my devotion today, I was reminded about praying for my foes. It was not a really hard foes, but it was those who I just cannot be together with. I am ashamed. Jesus knew it that Judah, the one that betrayed Him, was there doing fools to Him, but still Jesus was still sitting together with him and ate the last supper together. How amazing it is. I cannot do that. I always feels uncomfortable when somebody that intimidate me is around. I hope I can escape from that situation but I cannot. So today, i make a commitment for myself. My foes can be around but I will still value them as friend. Jesus did put a very good example for me, so now I need to try to do so.
I like this last sentences from the devotional, hope you are blessed too:
Not many people really choose to put God on the throne in their lives, but those who do find a life worth living. It’s a life empowered with purpose, joy and peace.
All the best! Hmm, my assignments are calling me.. C U!
hmm, thank you Jesus for today! :D
It is worth it to do good to your foes. At least, you are practicing what Jesus did. ;)